Popp streamlines sales by proactively demonstrating AI trust

Popp AI
Recruitment automation
London, UK

Revolutionizing recruitment with AI

Popp is a recruitment tech company that leverages generative AI to streamline the hiring process. By automating tasks such as resume screening and candidate shortlisting, Popp empowers recruitment teams to focus on building meaningful relationships instead of doing admin.

Their flagship product, Analyze, automates resume screening at scale, scoring candidates based on their fit for job descriptions. Trusted by leading RPOs, recruitment agencies, and in-house talent teams, Popp is at the forefront of transforming recruitment through AI.


Handling objections from prospects about AI bias

As Popp’s AI-driven solutions gained traction, they often encountered concerns from prospects about whether the AI was fair and unbiased in the way it scored candidates. Popp didn’t previously have a solid answer to these questions, which affected their confidence in enterprise sales conversations.

Committed to ethical AI, Popp wanted to ensure their systems were not only effective but also fair, leading them to search for a solution that could validate and showcase their commitment to unbiased recruitment.


Proactively showcasing trust with independent AI Assurance Dashboard

To tackle these concerns, Popp engaged Warden’s assurance platform to perform continuous audits of Popp’s Analyze product, rigorously evaluating it for bias and fairness. The initial audit results were positive, though they highlighted areas for further improvement. Popp implemented Warden’s recommendations, fine-tuning their AI to be even more consistent and impartial.

But Popp didn’t stop at improving their technology. In a move to build trust and differentiate themselves in the market, Popp made their AI Assurance Dashboard publicly accessible, showcasing the results of Warden’s audits. 

They integrated this transparency into their sales strategy, using the audit results as a key component of their sales conversations. They’ve also included Warden in their “AI Manifesto”.

This proactive approach allowed Popp to preemptively address any concerns about AI fairness, turning potential objections into a point of differentiation.

Sam Dhesi, CEO of Popp:
“Partnering with Warden AI has been crucial for our growth. It’s not just about having the best AI—it’s about proving to our clients that our technology is fair and trustworthy. By making our audit results public, we’re able to bring a new level of transparency to AI recruitment.”


Building trust and accelerating sales

By addressing potential concerns head-on and publicly demonstrating the fairness of their AI, Popp has seen a significant reduction in sales objections related to AI bias.

This commitment to transparency has turned a potential concern into a competitive advantage, helping Popp close deals more quickly and positioning them as a leader in responsible AI.

Start building AI trust today